Discover More about Continuous Deployment Jenkins

Continuous deployment is succeeding step after continuous delivery. Each change that comes across the automated testing is deployed automatically to production. Continuous development must be the goal of most of the companies today which aren’t constrained by regulatory and other requirements.

There are certain business cases wherein IT should wait for a Continuous deployment Jenkins certain feature to be launched, and that is one thing that makes continuous deployment unrealistic. As the application feature toggles resolve most of these cases, they do not work completely in each case. The point is to choose whether the continuous deployment is suitable for your business based on the business needs and not on the limitations of IT. This is where a tool called Jenkins comes in. Continue reading and learn more about this tool so that you will have a better understand about continuous deployment Jenkins.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is the open-source continuous integration software that has been written using Java programming language for reporting and testing on the isolated alterations within a bigger code base in the real time. The software enables the developers to locate and solve problems within the code base in no time and automate the testing process of the builds.

Continuous integration actually evolved since from the start. Way back before, a regular build was the standard. Today, the typical rule is for every team member to send work on a more frequent or daily basis and for the build to be performed with every significant change. Once used properly, consistent integration is providing different advantages that include continuous feedback on the software’s status. Because continuous integration can detect and identify deficiencies early on in the development, defects are usually smaller, simpler to resolve and less complex.

Jenkins is the fork of the project known as Hudson that is branded by Oracle and is recently being developed similar to Jenkins. The improvement community together with the governing body of it is hosting open meetings regarding the software itself. Continuous deployment is quite a tricky process and the use of a powerful tool demands this task. Good thing, Jenkins is here to help. show more

On its most basic form, automated and continuous deployment could be as easy as the way you write your own scripts to deploy your application to a certain server. The major advantage of the scripted solution is the simplicity of it and its ease and convenience of configuration. On the other hand, a simple scripted way might run into the limits when you require conducting a more advanced development activity like installing software on the machine and rebooting the server.

For a more advanced scenario, you will really need to make use of a more efficient and more sophisticated deployment or configuration management tool. There are various software tools that you can find in the web today. Those tools promise to help you in dealing with continuous deployment. To avoid worries, you should go for the best choice. The one that is most trusted and recommended today is Jenkins. With this tool, results are guaranteed.